Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Florida Governor Rick Scott Wears Tight Jeans

I am wearing jeans today because...
…Or at least he should.

Why, you ask? Well, today is Denim Day, a national event to raise awareness about sexual assault in the U.S.  The holiday is inspired by a court case in the Italian Supreme Court in 1998 that overturned the conviction of a man who had raped a young woman who had been wearing jeans.  The judge wrote that “because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them, and by removing the jeans it was no longer rape but consensual sex”.

Today, all around the U.S., people are wearing denim jeans to demonstrate solidarity with this young woman and the many, many survivors of sexual assault who have been blamed or who blame themselves for what happened to them because of something they wore, someplace they were, something they drank, or any of the many other mechanisms of blame that land on the survivors of these crimes.

I’m wearing jeans today to raise awareness that it was NOT her fault in 1998, it was NOT your fault or mine when it happened to us, and there are NO excuses for sexual assault.


So this might still leave you wondering what Florida Governor Rick Scott has to do with tight jeans. I shall elaborate...

In the midst of April, the beginning of Spring and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Governor Rick Scott swiftly slashed significant funding from 30 rape crisis centers of Florida. In response to this major cutback, Rick Scott was quoted saying “This new funding of $1.5 million would have been duplicative, since, as a state, we already fund sexual violence programs. There was no information suggesting any needs in this area weren’t already being met”.

The bewildered Florida Council Against Sexual Violence had to pick it’s figurative jaw up off the floor in order to describe to the press precisely how detailed they had indeed been with the governor in explaining the immensity of their current need for funding.  With waiting lists as long as weeks, sometimes months, many survivors of sexual assault in Florida are not receiving the services they need.

Clearly facing an unmet need, Florida is the latest “victim” of a society that exemplifies the profound misunderstanding of the true impact of sexual assault, not only on the individual, but on the community at large.  Governor Rick Scott, who so easily scoffed this budget cut off as a source of unsubstantiated spending, is contributing to a society that places survivors of sexual assault in a perpetual category of other-ness, disconnecting himself (and tragically, the budget that he controls) from the deeply rooted consequences that resonate through our communities in this rape-prone world.

Speaking of which… 

This Denim Day, I call out to our men. Our brothers, fathers, partners, and friends… This month is your time to speak out and to break the cycle. As Tony Porter so eloquently reflects upon in the TED Talk posted below, it's high time that our men step into action.

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I implore everyone to take a moment, watch the video below, wear your jeans with purpose and pride, and rise up and reflect on our current state and how we can collectively raise awareness and stop the violence.

I hope that one day that you too, Governor Rick Scott, will put on your jeans in solidarity.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

You Just Keep on Hoping They Serve Beer in Hell, Mr. Max

Never have I been so pleased or proud that an organization that I love and respect, Planned Parenthood, did NOT get half a million dollars.

Last week Ryan Holiday, financial strategist of the best-selling author Tucker Max, facetiously suggested to the writer that he donate $500,000 to Planned Parenthood in an effort to reduce his tax burden and to clean up his contemptible public reputation in many circles who, you know, respect women. After thinking it over for a few days, Tucker Max agreed.

You see, Tucker Max, author of “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” has found his fame and fortune by writing his real-life stories of chauvinism, excessive alcohol imbibing, targeted and competitive womanizing, and behavior that very easily constitutes sexual assault. The fact that our society so readily and enthusiastically consumes this material, enough to make him a best-selling author is another issue worth discussing… in another blahg though.

I’d like to take a moment to highlight the phenomenal statement of solidarity and steadfast commitment to the principle of the matter by Planned Parenthood. Initially excited by the prospect of a major financial donation in a time of great need (particularly in Texas, the state that was dangerously close to being the home of “The Tucker Max Planned Parenthood Clinic”), our beloved pro-woman organization put a halt to the madness.

A few summers ago, in an effort to familiarize myself with his work, I did indeed read quite a bit of one of his vile volumes. (Know thy enemy.) I plowed through story after story of his “escapades”. 

Here are a few choice quotes from his work:


“Halloween revolves around delicious candy, excessive alcohol, and horny women dressed as sluts. This also describes my vision of Heaven.”—His winning personality.

“There is a girl lying next to me on the bed, shaking me, saying something. She is not happy. She is also not skinny. Or attractive. She may not even be human.”—That last line is particularly repugnant.

“After about 6 shots, she tells me, ‘I think I am getting really drunk. I always do stupid things when I’m drunk.’ Strike up the band, we have a winner.”—No, sir. You will never, ever win.

“How long have you known women? Dude–They’re all whores. Except our mothers.”—Solid message for our daughters here……..

“No seriously, I will probably just come on your back, then get dressed and leave. And I’ll probably break some trinket of yours on my way out, just to show my disdain for you.”—I can’t even sarcastically comment on this one.


You may not be surprised that I didn’t make it through the whole book. Indeed, right then and there I committed my life to counteracting these despicable, degrading, and destructive messages.

Particularly poignant with regard to Planned Parenthood, we have one more comment from our loathsome friend, “Planned Parenthood would be cooler if it was a giant flight of stairs, w/someone pushing girls down, like a water park slide”—tweeted by Tucker Max in July 2011.

So let me offer my profound gratitude and kudos to Planned Parenthood for taking a stand against this writer and all of the social ills that he represents and encourages. We will not abide by such abhorrent behavior and the promulgation of disrespect and sexual objectification of women in our society. Our honorable Planned Parenthood will not be the dumping grounds for the disreputable Tucker Max to “rehabilitate some of [his] PR”, a sentiment expressed by his strategist Ryan Holiday in his frustrated post.

To help make up for the high-principled sacrifice on Planned Parenthood’s part, feel free to help condone the act and send the message that we don’t need one penny from the reprehensible Tucker Max by donating to Planned Parenthood!

Thanks to Ben for bringing this exciting news to my attention, and to for many choice words to describe my feelings about Tucker Max.